
Brene Brown – Brene is a researcher, storyteller, and best-selling author. She has spent more than a decade studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame. Her work has helped me understand some of my own behaviors that I shared in my spiritual memoir, On the Other Side, and helped me to make shifts to become more of my authentic self.

You can watch her famous TedX talks on The power of vulnerability and Listening to shame.

Her books are awesome. Here is a list of the ones I’ve read: Daring Greatly, Dare to Lead, The Gifts of Imperfection, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness.

Dr. Wayne Dyer – The late Wayne Dyer was an international best-selling self-help and spiritual author and speaker. Wayne came into my life when I was going through rough financial times.  He helped me retrain my brain with better thoughts and beliefs, which ultimately helped me shift my mindset greatly to help me go from bankrupt to a six-figures earner.

He wrote over 40 books. He also created audio and video programs. Here are my favorites: Change Your Thoughts – Live seminar, Excuses Be Gone, and I Can See Clearly Now.

Dr. Joe Dispenza – Dr. Joe is a researcher, educator, best-selling author, and more. He teaches tools and techniques as well as the sci­ence behind them to help people change their lives. He leads multiple week-long retreats each year where he teaches and guides participants to do the work. As a result of doing the work he teaches, I’ve had so many transformational experiences in addition to the “message in the meditation” that I share in my book, On the Other Side, and healings I experienced at his Advanced retreats. I’m grateful for all that he went through to get to where he is today.

You can watch interviews, workshops, and testimonials on Dr. Joe’s Youtube channel. The book Break­ing the Habit of Being Yourself is a great place to start with his work. (These books are great, too! Becoming SuperNatural, and You Are the Placebo).

He has several meditations that I recommend as well: Morning and Evening Meditation, Walking Meditation, The Pineal Gland Meditation, Blessing of the Energy Centers, and Changing Beliefs and Perceptions. (Pick one or two to start and go from there.)

His website,, has a plethora of resources.

Bo Eason – Bo is a former NFL player, acclaimed Broadway playwright and performer, and international story coach. Since Bo was a young boy, he has focused on and poured everything into being his best. Now he teaches others to do the same. I at­tended Bo’s three-day Personal Story Power workshop, which provided an experience for me to learn the importance of opening up that I share about in chapter one of my spiritual memoir, On the Other Side. I use that experience over and over in my life to push me out of my comfort zone in order to be my best.

Bo is also the author of the book There’s No Plan B for Your A-Game. You can find out more about Bo and his book at his website,

Louise Hay – Louise was a self-help author, speaker, teacher, and the founder of Hay House. She had an amazing story about overcoming her difficult past that inspired me and helped me change my thoughts and beliefs around my body, self-care, and aging.

One of my favorite Louise Hay books is Heal Your Body – The mental causes for physical illness and the metaphysical way to overcome them. I refer to this book often when I am Tapping on my own stuff or with clients to receive insights on why we may be feeling pain in certain places in our bodies.

Mary Hayes Grieco – Mary is a spiritual teacher and author who is also the direc­tor and lead trainer of the Midwest Institute for Forgiveness Training. She facilitated the forgiveness workshop I attend­ed (and shared about in my book, On the Other Side) and she guided me through all eight steps of the forgiveness process. It was a life-changing experience that I’m forever grateful for, and it gave me the desire to forgive everyone. You can read about my experience here.

Her book Unconditional Forgiveness is a great guide for the forgiveness process if you’re unable to work with her in person (or over the phone).

You can find Mary’s work­shops and so much more on her website,

Nancy Levin – Nancy is a Master Integrative Life Coach and best-selling author. She helped me in so many ways over several years. I started with her book Jump . . . and Your Life Will Appear and progressed along a path participating in group and one-on-one coaching sessions. Nancy is real, continues to do her work, and guides others to dig in to do theirs, too.

A great place to start is with the book Jump . . . and Your Life Will Appear.

But, all her books are great – depending on where you’re at in life check these out, too: Worthy, Permission to Put Yourself First, and Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free.

You can find more information about Nancy on her website,

Dave Ramsey – Dave Ramsey is one of my role models and mentors who I have learned so much from. The knowledge and information that he shares has helped me change my life for the WAY BETTER in so many ways. Financially for sure, and also professionally and spiritually. I am so grateful for all of his work.

My introduction to Dave started with his Financial Peace University (FPU) 9-week class. I took FPU and learned to change my behavior with money. I gained a better understanding of what steps to take and in which order. I also learned more mortgages and insurance that helped me have a clue on what to do. After taking that class I felt like I had a financial step-by-step plan for my future.

A year later, I coordinated an FPU course. I enjoyed it so much that I took Dave Ramsey’s Financial Coach Master Series program and got certified as a Financial Coach.

Dave offers additional free resources to help you including his EveryDollar budgeting app. It’s super easy to create and personalize my budget in a few minutes. Plus it’s free. Check it out.

Increase your financial knowledge by listening to Dave’s podcast, and reading The Total Money Makeover.

Tony Robbins – I was first introduced to Tony and his work in the ‘90s through his book Awaken the Giant Within. Several years later, in 2005, I attended his Unleash the Power Within event. It had such a profound impact on me that I immediately signed up for three (3) other workshops – Date with Destiny, Life Mastery, and Wealth Mastery. I attended those events within the next year and my life changed in countless ways. I began to open up, try new ways of eating, set intentions for myself, look at challenging life events in a better way, and more. In 2011 I attended Unleash the Power Within (UPW) and in 2012 I attended Leadership Mastery. To this day, I still connect with friends from those events.

You can find more info about Tony and his workshops on his website.

Ann Romberg – Ann is a leadership coach and equine guided education specialist located in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. She helped me better understand boundaries, have more aware­ness of my thoughts, and helped me speak from my heart with love instead of from my head with logic. I share about one of my horse coaching sessions about boundaries in my book, On the Other Side.

You can reach Ann through her website,

If you’re not located in the Twin Cities, then search Google for “Certified Equine Guided Educator” to find a horse coach nearest to you.

Dr. Paul Scheele – Paul is the CEO of Scheele Learning Systems and the co-founder of Learning Strategies. He has created numerous personal learning courses and is the author of multiple books. His Ultimate You Retreat helped me understand and put into practice some of the innate powers of our subconscious minds through a variety of activities, exercises, and conversa­tions I still call upon regularly in my life.

In fact, I share in my book, On the Other Side, one of the biggest takeaways from the retreat and how it still impacts me today.

You can learn more about Paul and his personal learning courses at and



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