Let’s talk Truth.
If you’ve tapped (aka EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping) with me at a live workshop, via my Youtube Channel, or through videos in the Units section of my free tapping community then you KNOW I say “Tap on the crap” for a reason.
But in case you haven’t heard me share that, let me explain WHY, right now. Because it’s so important.
>>Stuck or blocked energy moves only when Truth is spoken.<<
Jumping into
- a positive affirmation
- a solution
- a positive emotion
…rather than naming the challenging truth, keeps the existing energy (aka consciousness) as it is.
Let me say that another way (and get in your face a little bit…)
If… when you start tapping you start to feel some discomfort, and then you jump to “the gift” or “silver lining” you didn’t actually do anything good for yourself.
You just slapped lipstick on a pig pretending that you did your work because you felt a brief moment of discomfort. (And maybe even got scared about feeling discomfort.)
It doesn’t work that way.
That doesn’t fully support you.
Here’s the deal…
- when you’re not aligned
- when you’re reacting to something
- when you’re triggered
- when you’re not achieving the results you want
That’s an invitation to do your personal work so you can heal your past.
That’s an invitation to tap while speaking out loud the full truth about how you’re feeling, including all the “negatives” so you can
- get it out of your body
- get your energy unstuck
- get your energy flowing again
- change your consciousness about the situation.
Then, the good feeling stuff will automatically arise.
The better thoughts.
The better feelings.
They will naturally come up and you’ll feel soooo good. (Not the fake good feeling you try to go to and feel without first fully dealing with the discomfort.)
The REAL feel good feelings. The ones you want to feel all the time.
So, please, please, please, I implore you… Please “tap on the crap”.
In fact, join me and I will guide you to tap on your crap! (It’s easier that way.)
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