As a thank you for ordering a copy of On the Other Side – a Spiritual Memoir, please click here to accept a gift from me. It’s your copy of an accompanying 26-page Reading Guide and Journal that will help you process the book on an even deeper level.
Spoiler Alert: Some questions mention specific scenes in the book… so if you don’t want to see all those deets, yet, then be sure to cover your eyes after you print it.
I created this guide for you after receiving several messages from my readers.
Here are some things they shared with me:
+ they had taken a lot of notes in the book and highlighted sentences and paragraphs that had resonated with them
+ their favorite stories and how they impacted them (like the forgiveness chapter made them realize they need to forgive some peeps in their life, too.)
+ they cried (more than once) and felt like they had their own healing while reading my memoir
Their stories made me realize how helpful it would be if you had a place to jot notes about your own thoughts, feelings, and memories that come up for you while reading each chapter of my memoir. In the guide, I ask you a question or two about each chapter, and I put a space at the bottom of each page where you can list out action steps you want to take. Then you can refer back to this guide and do the things you were inspired to write down while you were reading.
I hope you enjoy using it and find it helpful!
Love & Sunshine,
P.S. I am always looking to talk to readers and get to know you on a deeper level. If you haven’t already, find me over on Facebook and Instagram and follow me. Shoot me a DM once you’ve read the book and let me know your favorite story or ah-ha moment and what it meant to you.
Hi Julie, On page four my heart was racing and by page 13-14 I was crying.
You would not believe everything I have in common with the characters in the book. My most embarrassing moment, if I had to go up on stage would be, my fiancé called me on the phone to say he was going to break up with me. I cried. I felt unlovable, not good enough, must be stupid, I should have broken up with him! Maybe the pain wouldn’t hurt so much. I Hate saying his name! I just block it out of my mind.
I’m interested in the journal that goes with the book.
Nancy T
Nancy, I am so happy my memoir tugged at your emotions. It sounds like the journal would be a great tool for you. When you get to chapter 2 Whack-a-Mole you’ll read that I used a technique to help clear out the energy around my abuser’s name. That would be great to try to help you deal with your ex-fiance’s name. In fact, here’s a video from my Youtube channel for how to do that.