There are many decisions I’ve gotten the opportunity to make as an Indie author publishing my book into the world.
One of the decisions I recently made was to make my audiobook available anywhere (versus having an exclusive contract with the big audiobook company.) Although I make 25% royalties (versus 40%) because of this decision, it allows me to retain ownership of my audiobook. Retaining ownership allows me to do things like share with you the full introduction of audio for Free.
On the Other Side – A Spiritual Memoir is about my healing and forgiveness journey after childhood sexual abuse. My stories are deep, personal, and uninhibited. (aka – vulnerable AF)
I am the author and I narrated my book so you could hear the stories in my voice (instead of someone else’s.)
Take a listen.
Parts may not be easy to listen to (some are still not for me.) There are a couple of swearwords used and private body parts mentioned in the intro – so put your earbuds in around your littles.
After listening, should you feel inspired to purchase my book in some form (hardcover, ebook, and audiobook), then please use the links on my website. Some of them are affiliate links and help me recoup some of the royalties I let go so I could retain my ownership rights.
Signed copies are available, too.
Be sure to pick up your FREE copy of the accompanying Reading Guide and Journal to make the most out of your reading experience.
I listened three times because more than the words – which are powerful – the undertones in your voice drew me. Each time I was checking in with myself to see if I experienced the same vicarious reaction, and I did. I could feel the connection to what you experienced through the inflections in your voice. As you spoke of Dan, there was a palpitant, subtle tremor in your voice and I felt your fear. My mind heard every sound and witnessed every scene you described – and, what you described made me think of vile, fowl smells, the kind of smell that makes you want to throw up.
Once you got past describing the trauma, your voice steadied and became influential and compassionate. There were so many salient and relatable points – never minimize, share your story with those who’ll “hear” you, be shameless in your expression and never be afraid to admit you need help.
Thank you for opening you heart, for being vulnerable, for sharing your experience, for being an example on how to grow with grace and allowing others to witness your metamorphosis.
Oh Sweet Luba, Thank you for sharing with me your experience listening to the intro. Isn’t voice powerful?! I couldn’t imagine having someone else read my stories.
Thank you for your love and support and beautiful compliments that warm my heart and help me keep sharing.