I was feeling stressed about the huge amount of student loan debt I had. I hadn’t been able to get ahead of it and it kept growing nor had I been able to save for retirement because of it. I was feeling stuck, frustrated, and was starting to panic a bit wherever I’d think about them.
After taking Julie’s Tap Into Your Inner ATM course, I feel at peace and also confident I’m going to pay down the loans and still have time to save for retirement. For the first time, my husband and I are actually having great conversations around money now instead of arguing about it. We set up our first budget and we are actually excited about it! I am actually excited to pay off debt and live on our budget because of the freedom it will give us in the end.
As a result of Julie’s course, my relationship with my husband is better and we are also talking to our kids about money and how to be responsible with it. My career has been taking off and I’m on your verge of hiring another employee. We’ve literally had money coming to us in the most unexpected ways since finishing this class. It’s pretty awesome!
Angela E, Minnesota