Prior to working with Julie Jacky I was stressed to the point where my eczema was impacting my everyday life. I knew what was happening to me physically was a result of what was really going on emotionally and mentally. After my first session with Julie I was able to find some relief with my eczema. I remember feeling a huge weight lifted off my shoulder. I was amazed with the results I had with my first session and that was in a group setting. Two weeks later I went in for my second session and I have to say I was even more amazed then the first time. I can proudly report that my eczema has almost disappeared and I was able to gain back my feeling of self-worth and confidence. I feel like I’m back on track and that is only after two sessions with Julie. I look forward to my sessions with Julie because they are effective and done in such a supportive and nurturing environment. I can't say thank you enough! I’m going to see if Julie Jacky can help me win the Lotto next week!
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