Having trouble staying within your budget this holiday season? Let me help you avoid a money hangover after the holidays!
There are a lot of great sales going on and retailers are working hard to get you to take money out of your wallet and give it to them. Better yet, they want you to charge it on their store credit card. They make more money that way and make it really tantalizing for you to open an account with them or if you already have an account with then they want you to keep using it.
The most important thing you can do for yourself right now is set a budget. And stick with it, no matter what.
The amount of budget is what you have to spend that won’t put you into debt. You gotta stay within your means and be a good steward of your money. Even at Christmas. Especially at Christmas.
It’s too easy to get an extra gift for your children because “They’ve always wanted one of ___________ fill in the blank and it’s such a good deal. I couldn’t pass it up.”
Yes you can.
Please stop.
Say “No” to yourself.
Stay within your budget and within your means.
You know if you spend that extra money, put it on a charge card you’re going to have the after Christmas money hangover.
Don’t do it! Say NO to a holiday money hangover!
Check out this tapping exercise to Make Money your BFF!
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