“I can’t stop drinking Dr. Pepper and I feel like a fraud,” said Julia at my “EFT/Tapping on Food & Sugar Cravings” workshop.
I asked her to tell me more. She said, “I am a chiropractor. I tell my clients not to drink pop and yet when I get stressed out I open up a can, have a few sips, and it tastes good. Then I feel guilty and feel like a fraud. I am doing what I tell my clients not to do.”
I asked Julia what an early memory was related to Dr. Pepper. Her face lit up with excitement and she said when she was young on Friday nights they would have a lot of fun together as a family. They would play games, eat pizza, and drink Dr. Pepper. She said, “That was the only time we were allowed to drink pop.”
I helped Julia tap on that memory to clear out the emotions Julia had in her subconscious around Dr. Pepper. Although the memory was very positive — her excited and happy feelings of connecting with her family through Dr. Pepper were no longer serving her since now as an adult she believes Dr. Pepper isn’t good for her (or anyone).
Our brains are absolutely amazing. Our amygdala and hippocampus store all memories including sights, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings, and emotions around them. Our brain’s job is to always protect us and help us feel safe.
So when Julia was stressed, her subconscious would drive her to drink a Dr. Pepper so she could feel the love, connection, fun, and happy feelings she used to feel as a child drinking Dr. Pepper. Fast forward 15 years later, Julia felt out of control because her subconscious brain was running the show – not the logical part of her brain. She couldn’t stop herself from drinking Dr. Pepper.
Once we cleared out the emotions attached to Dr. Pepper Julia did not crave it again.
We can use EFT/Tapping to clear out many food and sugar cravings so you feel in control and no longer “have to have” those foods that you don’t want anymore.
If you have food and sugar cravings that you feel are controlling you, please know there is a way to take control back. If you would like some help, I would be honored to help you. Please go here to schedule a tapping session with me and we will work together to clear out the craving which will alllow you to take back control.
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