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March 7, 2018 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Wednesday, March 7, 2018: 7-8:30 PM
Natural Approach Wellness Center
2002 Pennwood Dr, Melbourne, FL 32901
Special Price Only $22! (reg price $33)
So many of us try so hard to use affirmations to no avail. We repeat our affirmations over and over believing they have to work – because it’s the law of attraction after all. We hope to change our lives attract all the people and things we want in our lives. Try as we might, they just don’t seem to work and we can’t figure out why. So we try harder. Maybe we aren’t saying the affirmation enough times. Maybe we are doing something wrong.
Does that sound familiar?
Do you ever wonder if there is a secret that no one told you??
There is… and I am about to let you in on the secret.
What the secret that no one told us is — our subconscious minds have many beliefs that are running the show behind the scenes.
Some of those beliefs may be contradictory to the very thing we are trying to attract or change through affirmations. When the contradictory belief hiding in the subconscious mind – its not possible to make affirmations work. So it’s literally not your fault! You didn’t know that your subconscious mind is running the show.
There is good news!
The good news is… there is a way to uncover and clear out the beliefs. We can clear out the beliefs with the use of EFT/Tapping. When we tap on the beliefs behind the affirmations, we can clear out what is holding us back. Then the affirmations will work, and the things we’ve been wanting to attract into our lives will start to show up.
+ What is EFT/Tapping?
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, Meridian tapping, Tapping) is the most widely used modality in a field called Energy Psychology. It is an emotional version of acupuncture without needles. It combines focusing on a mental or physical area of concern while gently tapping on specific facial and upper body acupressure points. As you tap, you literally reduce the stress hormone, cortisol, in your body.
+ In this 1 1/2-hour experiential workshop you will:
❥ Develop a deeper understanding on how to make affirmations work
❥ Tap on affirmations (voted on by the group)
❥ You’ll seriously be amazed at how it works and HOW calm and relaxed your body feels at the end of this two-hour experiential workshop.
+ You will leave this workshop:
❥ Feeling calm and relaxed
❥ Confident you know how to make affirmations work
❥ Feeling WAY more in alignment with the affirmation we tap on!
Basic tapping experience necessary – just need to know the tapping points. Come with an open mind.
+ What others have to say about working with Julie on affirmations and feeling worthy:
“I loved our group tapping session with Julie. Because she kept it so simple, stepping into a new level of worthiness became the obvious and natural choice. I feel more courageous and more able to receive all the good opportunities coming to me.” ~Chara Rodriguera
“I have experience some major shifts tapping with Julie. I was able to release the charge and emotions around several childhood experiences which has allowed me to heal and move forward in an empowering way. I’ve worked with her on significant back pain, unworthiness, money, relationship with my ex and much more! I am astounded by her intuitive gifts and that she knows when to push and knows when I have shifted. Simply amazing!! She is truly gifted!” ~Kim Julen
+ How do I know if this workshop is right for me?
If you answer YES to any of the following, then you’ll want to join us at the How to Make Affirmations Work with EFT/Tapping Workshop.
+ Do you:
• Do you want more and life?
• Feel frustrated you can’t figure out how to get it all?
• Tried affirmations, but can’t seem to make them work?
• Not FEELING or Believing you are Worthy?
• Getting frustrated and need something NEW to try?
If you answered YES to one or more of the above questions be sure to register now to join us.
+ What should I bring to this workshop?
❥ An open mind.
❥ Pen and paper.
❥ And for extra fun – have a friend signup with you, too!
+ About Julie
Coach, Speaker and Certified EFT Practitioner, Julie Jacky, specializes in helping people through their blocks and challenges. In her workshops and individual sessions she merges her passions of practical applications, intuition and EFT/Tapping with a systematic approach to help you uncover beliefs that are holding you back so you can experience more joy in your life.
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