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April 5, 2018 @ 9:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Online Tapping Community
When: Thursday, April 5th @ 9 pm EST/8 pm CST
Where: Online Tapping Community
Join us for a FREE 30-minute Tapping workshop on Money & Income Limits
Are you tired of not making enough money? Do you keep working hard and can’t seem to get ahead? Feel like you are living paycheck to paycheck? Or maybe you make enough income but you just can’t seem to make any more.
If yes to any of those, then you will want to RSVP yes and join us for a Free EFT/Tapping workshop where we will be tapping on money and hidden income limits.
During this 30 minute experiential workshop you will be guided as you take a deep dive in to uncover the hidden emotions, thoughts, triggers, beliefs, stories and memories you have about income.
Some of the information that comes up for you personally may surprise you and it will also help you understand why you’ve been making what you’ve been making and can’t seem to make more.
In this workshop you will:
+ Get grounded and connected in a group guided meditation
+ Do an exercise to uncover your income limits
+ Use EFT to tap on income limits
You will leave this workshop:
+ Feeling more calm and relaxed
+ Confident you can make a shift in your income
+ Feeling WAY better knowing what was holding you back
How do I know if this workshop is for me? If you agree with any of the following statements then you will want to RSVP “Going” and Join us!
+ I don’t have enough money
+ I don’t make enough money
+ I make enough money, but can’t ever seem to make more
+ I’ve been making the same amount of money for years
+ I run out of money before I run out of month
+ I live paycheck to paycheck
+ I can’t seem to get ahead
+ There’s never enough money to go around
+ I don’t know where all of my money goes
+ Good paying jobs are hard to find
+ I don’t have the skills to get a better job or make more money
+ I wish I knew how to ask for more money
+ I never seem to be able to stay on a budget
+ It’s difficult to make ends meet
+ I have to work so hard in order to make more money
If any of those sounded like something you’d say – then RSVP “Going” and join us!
What should I bring to this workshop?
+ An open mind
+ Pen and paper
May I bring a friend?
Yes. It is great to experience this workshop with a friend.
Feel free to send them a link to join my tapping group. (Please don’t add them to the group. It’s best to have them click to join themselves.)
Here is the link:
Do I need to know Tapping or have tapped before?
You need to know the basic tapping points. You can learn them here as I take you through a constricted breathing exercise:
Pssst… When you RSVP going, be sure to mark your calendar. We will start right away and the class will be fast paced since it’s only 30 minutes!
About Julie
Money Coach, Speaker and Certified EFT Practitioner, Julie Jacky, specializes in helping people through their money blocks and challenges. In her workshops and individual sessions she merges her passions of practical applications, intuition and EFT with a systematic approach to help you uncover hidden beliefs that are holding you back financially.
For several years Julie felt shame, embarrassment and disappointment as a single mom that struggled with money. She thought if she worked hard enough, kept a positive attitude and used the law of attraction she would be able to turn things around. She learned the hard way that wasn’t enough and she ultimately filed bankruptcy.
As she went through the bankruptcy process she vowed to NEVER be in that position again. She knew she had to take her “happy” mask off, deal with her stuff and change her thinking. She began immersing herself in new thoughts, learned how to manage money, changed her beliefs and processed her emotions. Julie went from bankruptcy to making 6 figures in 18 months by completely changing her mindset around money. Now has found an even faster way to help people clear their money blocks through the use of EFT and she walks people through practical steps of moving from debt to wealth.
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