April 18, 2021 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Live Online Over Zoom Video
Join us in the Women’s EFT Tapping Circle
Would you like relief from feeling stressed and overwhelmed?
In the Women’s Tapping Circle, you’ll be guided to uncover what’s causing your “negative” emotional feelings and to use EFT/Tapping for stress relief.
Feeling stressed out, stuck, or maybe even struggling more than you’d like to admit? Then you’re seeing the right information at the right time – because in the 90-Minute Women’s EFT/Tapping Circle, you’ll be guided to release your stress and other emotions – so that you can get unstuck, shift into feeling calm and confident, and get clarity on what step to take next.
Friends – these are effen challenging times, and our emotions are running rampant and sometimes we don’t know how to do with them — so they come out sideways at others.
Like… Yelling at kids, significant other, or pets when we’re really upset about something else.
I know from experience those actions aren’t truly helpful. And I know from personal experience there is also a better way. With the EFT/Tapping practice I teach, you can learn to de-escalate any situation and bring yourself back down to earth before yelling at a loved one. Instead, you’ll stay calm and in control of yourself without feeling pent-up anxiety, anger, or overwhelm.
You might be thinking or wondering…
What is EFT/Tapping?
It’s the tool we will use where we will use our fingertips to tap on specific meridian points on our head and upper body that helps quickly release stuck emotion so we can feel better.
That tapping thing sounds strange, Julie!
Yes, it might look a little strange, but don’t worry about that… everyone will be tapping together in the group, so we will all look weird together. But more importantly, you will get the relief you seek because it works!
You see, when we use EFT/Tapping, it helps reduce the stress hormone called cortisol — which will help your body calm down — it will allow you to think more clearly and respond better to what’s going on around you.
I’ve tried EFT/Tapping before, but I don’t remember the points
Don’t worry if you haven’t tapped too much before. I make it easy for you to re-learn the points with a short video you can watch before the session. Then during the session, I guide you every step of the way. As long as you have an open mind and can follow directions, it will work and you’ll feel better at the end of the session!
What do we do in the Tapping Circle?
As a spiritual coach and EFT practitioner, I guide you throughout the session – specifically through these steps:
- Get grounded and connected
- Uncover what’s causing your “negative” emotional feelings
- Tap
- Feel a new level of GRATITUDE and APPRECIATION
How much is it?
$33 for a 90-minute live workshop
Are you ready to give yourself this gift of self-care?
Say YES to yourself; Click the link and Register now.
Each 90-minute Women’s Tapping Circle is $33 and you must register in advance to attend.
Get yourself signed up now while you’re thinking about it. You’ll be thanking yourself later!
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