1. Read the affirmation on the image, and notice what you say in your head right after you read it. Write that down.
Did you say something like: “No, I don’t”, “I have a hard time accepting love” “I kinda love myself but I don’t love ___________ about myself” or “I don’t deserve to be loved”. Write whatever popped up in your mind down on your paper.
2. Now notice any emotions coming up. Are you feeling frustrated? Argumentative? Angry? Happy? Hopeful?
Write it down.
Then rate the intensity of the emotion you’re experiencing on a scale of 0-10. 0 = no intensity, you don’t feel it at all –> 10 is super intense. Where are you on that scale? Write it down.
3. Where do you feel that in your body? Notice what pops up– if you need to close your eyes and do a body scan to figure it out go ahead and do that.
Write down where you are feeling it, describe what it feels like.
Then rate the intensity of the feeling in your body on a scale of 0-10. 0 =no intensity, you don’t feel it at all –> 10 is super intense. Where are you on that scale? Write it down.
4. Say the affirmation “I truly love myself” out loud and rate how true it is for you.
Rate the truth of that statement on a scale of 0 – 10. 0 = it’s not true at all (I don’t love myself) and 10 = that’s totally true! I DO truly love myself. See where you are on that scale and write it down.
5. Slowly read through what you just wrote on your paper while you’re tapping through the tapping points.
Now, Tap, Tap, Tap. And have a little argument with yourself…
Top of Head: I truly love myself
Inside Eye: No I don’t
Outside Eye: Well, I kinda do. I love some things about myself
Under Eye: But its easier to not love myself
Under Nose: No its not — I DO truly love myself
Crease in Chin: Not really, but I wish I did love myself
Collar Bone: I truly love myself
Under Arm: No I don’t, but it sure would be nice if I really did love myself
Keep tapping — on whatever thoughts are fluttering through your mind.
Then repeat all the steps and notice what has shifted, and tap on the new information you write down.
Keep tapping until the emotions and feelings in your body subside and until you have a better thought in your mind after you read the affirmation.
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