One of the most serious questions that I get asked is why are we tapping on the negative?
My answer is “because it’s there.”
So many of us have been trained to only focus on the positive. So many of us have been trained through the law of attraction to just focus on the positive and when we focus on the positive, everything will go our way and we’ll get exactly what you want.
Well, how’s that working for you?
If you get honest with yourself, it’s not working.
It’s not working because you’re not acknowledging the negative or what I like to call “the crap”. You see, our brains are hardwired for negativity and so we can’t help but have a negative thought as our very first response. We don’t want to stay in that negative space so it’s our job to retrain our brain and override that negative response with a positive one, but we can’t do it by ignoring it.
Think about this. You have been somewhere where you’ve seen somebody across the room and you didn’t want to talk to them. You didn’t want them to see you. You didn’t want to be around them, so you decided that you’d ignore them and pretend they’re not there.
Do you know what? They were still there, even though you pretended they weren’t. The only thing that actually resulted in was having a bunch of fear energy going on inside of you, pretending they’re not there, and yet there they are.
They’re over there, but you’re pretending that they’re not, but they are there. Now just because you’re ignoring them doesn’t mean they don’t exist, because they still exist.
It’s the same thing if you have a bill that comes in the mail. Let’s just say you don’t have enough money to pay the amount due. You decide not to open it up. You ignore it or bury it under other mail. Is the bill still there? Yes, it is and you still owe the money. It didn’t go away because you ignored it. And in fact, it often makes it worse when you ignore it, because now not only do you have that bill, but now you probably have an interest fee and a late fee tacked on it because you ignored it. So ignoring it actually makes it worse.
And that’s true with your emotions, too.
It’s not your fault! We weren’t taught in elementary school or junior high Emotions 101 class. Chances are nobody taught us how to process them and deal with them. In fact, they taught us the opposite with phrases like “You better stop crying or I will give you something to cry about” or “Stop being so emotional”. If we got angry we were told that was bad.
As a result, we learned to ignore our emotions, stuff them, brush them aside, or we pretended they didn’t exist.
But the truth is none of that works, especially as a long term strategy… And you know it.
And how that you’re admitting that to yourself, it’s time to make a change because you know it’s insane to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results.
Thank goodness for EFT!
I teach people how to use EFT/Tapping and to tap on the crap in order to work through emotions and release them. Listen, you MUST acknowledge the crap that’s there. When you tap and acknowledge it, it will move away. It will dissipate. And that’s when you’ll start to feel better.
You’ve heard before that message that ‘the only way to get through it is to go through it.’ And maybe the extended version… ‘You can’t go over it, around it, you can’t go under it. You have to go through it.’ Well, that’s true with your emotions, too. You have to go through them, feel them and experience them. And when you do that, they will shift and you’ll get to the better feeling emotion that you wanted to begin with.
That’s how it works.
When you’re tapping, the best thing that you can do for yourself, the fastest way that you can make shifts is by acknowledging those negative emotions. Tap on the crap. It’s the best way to get results.
Keep tapping and tap on the crap!
Click here to check out this video Why we use EFT/Tapping on the Negative Stuff
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