Read book update #17, first
My friend, Autumn Shields, has followed the nudges she received to create a podcast where she interviews interesting people who share their stories, offer lifestyle tips, cool tools that have supported them on their journey, and so much more. The guests she has interviewed on her show and the stories they share have been captivating and inspiring, to say the least!
Their stories remind me of just how amazing people truly are!
I had the honor and pleasure of being interviewed on Autumn’s podcast about my newly released spiritual memoir – On the Other Side.
On Autumn’s Living Alive show hear us talk about:
+ Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – when I first learned about it and how it helped me relieve stress and release those yucky emotions that sometimes get stuck.
+ What I did to overcome my thoughts about photos of myself.
+ How my book came about – I never intended to write it.
+ When memories of childhood trauma resurfaced in my mind and how they impacted me.
Give a listen and then check out her other episodes and subscribe to her show so you can stay inspired by more amazing people.
Read book update #19 — I made excuses to NOT record my Audiobook.
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