Say what?
What do you mean it’s more important to be yourself than to be positive?
Take a moment to digest this — it’s important.
Our brains are hard-wired to protect us and that protection often appears to us in the form of ‘negativity’. That is our brain’s job, to keep us safe, and it does it’s job well. So when you find yourself spouting off something that seems negative – catch yourself – BUT don’t stuff it and pretend it didn’t happen. That’s where the damage is done.
Instead, acknowledge your thoughts as they pop in. The thoughts came from inside of you and are a part of who you are. Acknowledge your thoughts instead of resisting them. (Remember: what you resist, persists).
After you acknowledge them, then move along to a better thinking place. Because you don’t want to stay in the negative space — acknowledge them and move along to a better space.
When you find that negativity or fear popping in, try saying something like this to yourself…
“Oh fear, there you are. I hear you loud and clear. Thank you for doing your job. You can move along now. I’ve got this.”
Then your mind will move along to a more positive thought and you won’t stay stuck in your negative thoughts and you also won’t stuff them. That little acknowledgement and statement is part of processing your emotions. That little acknowledgement statement is a BIG DEAL!
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