Friends – these are effen challenging times! And our emotions are running rampant and sometimes we don’t know how to do with them — so they come out sideways at others.
+ Yelling at kids, significant other, or pets when we’re really upset about something else.
+ Hopping on social media and blasted opinionated comments and ranting frustrations on others’ posts.
+ Minimizing our feelings by saying “I am doing okay” even though we are in fear for our friends or struggling with what is going on. We discount it thinking “it’s not as bad as what others are going through… so I can handle it.”
Does any of that sound familiar? We all do it to one extent or another. The problem is, it’s not healthy or helpful. In fact, its damaging and hurtful.
So pause for a moment to check in with yourself. Ask yourself if you’re feeling any of these emotions.
If yes, and you’re ready to deal with them in a healthy way and you want some relief, then please join me!
I will guide you throughout the entire session. We will be using EFT/Tapping – to tap on specific points on your body. When we use EFT/Tapping it helps reduce cortisol in your body – which is the stress hormone — and your body will calm down which will then enable you to think more clearly and respond better to what’s going on around you.
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