Putting things off is a fine art that many of us have mastered.
You intend to do something… but don’t do it.
Intend to do it again…
Still don’t do it.
Add it to your To Do list so you are SURE to get it done this time…
Still don’t do it.
Beat yourself up for not doing it.
Tell yourself you ARE going to do it this time and move it to a different day on your calendar and/or move it to an updated To Do List.
Don’t do it… again.
Beat yourself up again. This time with a bigger stick.
Move your To Do to the next day.
This time… you still don’t do it and you try to ignore it.
It keeps popping up in your head.
You start SHOULDING on yourself: “I really should…”
But you can’t seem to get it done… WHY??!?!??!?!
Guess what?
There is a secret to handling PROCRASTINATION.
You ready for it???
You need to GET IN ALIGNMENT with what you want to get done.
You might think you want to do it. You might know it’s good for you and in your best interest to do it. You may even really NEED to do it or get it done. But there is a reason you are procrastinating.
You aren’t fully in alignment with your To Do, project, or goal for one reason or another. That may not make sense to you because you really want to get it done—so how can you be out of alignment with it?
Hang with me a second here.
Think about the opposite of procrastination.
Think about a time you were in the flow, and things happened really quickly for you.
Like the one day you decided you wanted to get a new job and later that day someone mentioned a new job to you. You sent your resume in the next day, got an immediate call back, and interviewed a couple of days later. It all came together really quickly.
Things happen quickly when you are in alignment with your desire—your beliefs aren’t stopping you, you’re excited about what you want, and your energy is lining up.
So back to the question: how can you be out of alignment?
Likely there is something from your past that is triggering you. You see, our brain is hardwired to keep us safe and if it senses any kind of danger or senses your To Do, project, or goal goes against a subconscious belief you’re holding onto, then it will stop you from accomplishing something despite your best intentions.
In order to get into alignment, you can go within and ask yourself questions to uncover the thing from your past that is holding you back. Then, tap on it.
Jot down the answers to the following questions as you’re thinking about the thing you need to do.
- Where do you feel it in your body?
- What does it feel like?
- What emotions are coming up for you?
Tap on whatever came up for you. When you feel like you have clarity, then you can move on to the next logical step of the To Do, project, or goal. Chunk it down into smaller bite-sized steps. Here’s an example of how to do that.
Let’s say you want to paint your living room. If you add “Paint Living Room” to your Saturday schedule you likely aren’t going to get to it. That’s too big. There are lots of steps that come before you can actually paint your living room. You’ll need to:
- Pick out a paint color
- Ask for help (if you need it)
- Buy and/or gather painting supplies (tape, brushes, painting trays, paint, drop cloth, ladder)
- Move the ladder into the living room
- Wash the walls
- Tape the edges of the walls and windows
- Put the drop cloth on the floor
Once you have those things completed, then you can actually paint your living room, and you’ll actually be able to keep the appointment on your calendar to get it done.
Simple, right?
When you tap on the underlying emotions that keep you stuck and break your To Do down into doable, steps, things start flowing and you can finally get your To Do DONE.
Would you like a little guidance tapping on Procrastination?
Join my free Tapping Community and tap along with the Procrastination Video.
Click here for more tapping on why you’re struggling to get things done during the pandemic.
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