We are all experiencing a variety of emotions from the pandemic that is sweeping around the globe. It’s important that we take time for self-care during this unprecedented time.
Tap along with me as I guide you to use EFT/Tapping to get RELIEF from emotions. You may be feeling fear, stress, worry, overwhelm related to changes in your life from the Coronavirus. Tapping on those emotions will allow you to feel some relief.
This is a YouTube video from a Facebook Live Tapping session. You can follow along with me to clear out the emotions that are coming up for you right now. I will guide you.
This video is not intended to be a comprehensive handling of the subject. It’s really only a very small fraction of how EFT works. But, my hope is this video will help you address emotions you’re feeling. It’s imperative we all do our own personal work… so you can move into freedom on the other side.
When you choose to watch and tap along with my tapping videos you must take responsibility for your own well-being.
Personally, I’ve experienced great benefits and transformations from tapping. So much so, that I became a Certified EFT Practitioner. And over time I’ve developed my own way of tapping. However, I make no claims as to what, if any, benefits you will receive. Not everyone will benefit in the same way.
Please note, I am not a therapist, a psychologist, or a doctor. The information presented here is not intended to replace appropriate treatment by a physician or mental health professional. I am unaware of anyone experiencing negative side effects from using these or other EFT/tapping videos and tapping tips, but I’ve learned that different people require different care.
Also, please know, it is possible you could uncover deeper issues within the process that this video and other videos are not able to address. It is recommended that you consult a qualified health practitioner prior to using this technique or use it at your own risk. Nonetheless, I hope you will enjoy my tapping videos and find them beneficial enough that you will subscribe to my channel as well as share them with others.
For additional support, I encourage you to check out the other offerings available in my Facebook Community where you’ll find a ton of great resources to help you live your best life possible.
• Pick up your Top 10 Tapping Tips, which will also subscribe you to my occasional newsletter where I share tips, inspiration, cool products and services from others and more.
Check out my video – Try this is you can’t get anything done during this Pandemic
I love this! I’ve been doing full classes, but how fun to do the facebook live classes as well! Thank you for this easy resource that I can share with people as well.
I am so glad this was helpful to you, Dawn. Yes, please share. The more people we can get tapping, the calmer our world will be.