Have you ever been so frustrated or angry with someone you don’t even know what to say or do? And because you’re feeling frustrated or angry with them, every little thing they do annoys you or makes you even more frustrated or angry?
Would you like to take the edge off so you can calm down a bit and feel a little better?
There is a seemingly too simple of a way to do this…. But it works magically! Are you open to giving it a try?
It’s tapping on the person’s name. (Yep, that’s it! Simple. You can do it!)
So, let’s get started.
First, say the person’s name out loud. It’s the name that you call them, and just their first name is fine. (You don’t need to say their full name unless that’s how you refer to them when you talk to them).
For example, if it’s your mother and you call her “mom” then say “mom”. You don’t need to say her first given name (Sally) or call her “mother” to be formal. Just say out loud what you normally call her.
As you say the person’s name out loud again – listen to how you say it. Notice the tone of your voice and what you hear when you say their name. > There are no judgments here. You’re observing – it’s good information for you to have so you know when you’re shifting.
Next, say their name one more time and notice how you feel in your body, and notice what emotion is coming up for you.
Now that you heard how you said their name, noticed how you feel inside your body, and know what emotion is coming up for you it’s time to start tapping!
Start on the top of your head and say their name out loud while tapping.
Top of head: Mom
Then move to each tapping point and say their name over and over.
Inside Eye: Mom
Outside Eye: Mom
Under Eye: Mom, Mom, Mom
Under Nose: Mom
Crease in Chin: Mom, Mom, Mom
Collar Bone: Mom, Mom
Under Arm: Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom
Keep tapping through the tapping points and repeat their name over and over until you start to lighten up a bit and feel relief.
>>Tips to know you’re on the right track
- You may have thoughts flutter through your mind about them. You may shift from anger to disappointment to hurt as you continue to tap. All of that is good – and signs the tapping is working for you. Keep tapping!
- You may feel like you’re saying their name at nauseam. That’s ok, just keep saying it while tapping.
- You may also start to think their name sounds funny. That’s great – you’re on the right track. Just keep tapping.
>>Tip if you don’t want to say their name.
Take notice if you don’t even want to say their name out loud. You may be too angry with them. That’s OK. Just start tapping right where you’re at. And say out loud while you’re tapping “I don’t want to say his/her name” and whatever else is coming up in your mind about not wanting to say their name. The most important thing here is to start tapping.
Although it’s simple to tap on someone’s name, it isn’t always easy. There are many emotions that may come up. You may feel like you’re going to cry but don’t want to and try to hold it back. Keep tapping and let your tears flow. Keep tapping and shifting through the emotions.
The more you tap, the more your body will calm down and the more you’ll feel back in your power again.
You can do this! Just Keep Tapping!
Check out Julie’s video Reduce Anger & Frustration With Someone You’re Upset With
It was so wonderful to hear from you. Can you believe I forgot about the name technique? I have not been tapping for months. Just hearing from you reminds me of how powerful it is .
I miss you? I hope you will consider a 3 or 4 or 5 day retreat.
Your friend,